What Does Speech Therapy Have To Do With Dyslexia??? 3 Ways A Speech Therapist Can Help
Did you know that a speech therapist (aka SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist, Speech Teacher, etc) plays a big role in treating and diagnosing reading disorders such as Dyslexia?!
If the answer is “no,” then rest assured you're not the only one! I only recently found out the role that SLP’s play in diagnosing and treating dyslexia a few years ago, and I AM an SLP! However, the past few years has provided me with much experience in the schools in this area. I have been through MANY trainings on how SLP’s can use their knowledge of sounds and language to help children with dyslexia.
In this blog post, we will review the different roles SLP’s play in the lives of children at risk of or already diagnosed with a reading/learning disorder. But first, let’s talk about what dyslexia is.
Dyslexia (sometimes labeled as a Specific Learning Disability, especially in the school setting) is a reading disorder that causes trouble with word recognition, spelling, and decoding. With dyslexia, these difficulties usually come from a deficit in the phonological component of language (involves the rules for combining sounds). At its core, dyslexia is a language based learning/reading disorder. And what is an SLP’s area of specialty? Speech and LANGUAGE, which puts SLP’s right in the middle of it.
It is also important to note that having a literacy disorder or dyslexia does not make a person “dumb.” In fact, most people with dyslexia have average or above average IQ scores. There are even people who are considered to be “gifted” and have dyslexia. Many well known celebrities have also struggled with dyslexia as well.
If your child is already being seen by a speech therapist, make sure to talk to your child’s SLP about your concerns and ask her/him what they can be doing to help prevent or treat possible reading difficulties. No matter what age or stage your child is at, we SLP’s are here to help :)
If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call for a free 30 minute consultation!